Jumping at the Woodside
14.6 – 16.6.
Luis sa do sveta tanca dostal úplne náhodou, keď hľadal len nejakú aktivitu. Jazzová hudba nebola úplne jeho šálkou kávy, ale od okamihu, kedy vkročil do triedy, jamu alebo na festival, bol unesený. Pocit z tanca, nákazlivý rytmus a srdečné prijatie komunity ho okamžite uchvátili.
Na druhej strane, Vira mala iný začiatok. Ako speváčka sa zamilovala do Jazzu. Lindy Hop objavila na jednom koncerte, keď bola jej vokálna trojica najatá na Swing Party. V tom momente vedela, že sa musí tento tanec naučiť, a preto sa prihlásila na kurzy.
Teraz sú Luis a Vira oddaní učitelia na plný úväzok v ich útulnej komunite v Alicante (Španielsko), aj keď tancujú iba 7 alebo 8 rokov. Ich vášeň podnietila rast školy, ktorá teraz ponúka približne 17 skupín lekcií týždenne, zahŕňajúc Jazz, Lindy a Balbou.
Ich filozofia výučby je založená na podpore pestovaní plynulosti a rytmu, a zároveň na posilňovaní sebavedomia a individuálneho vyjadrenia. Pre nich tanec nie je len o krokoch; je to o prijatí svojej pravej podstaty, zdieľaní radosti a hľadaní naplnenia na parkete. Vedú ľudí k posilneniu uvedomenia si svojej jedinečnosti a plne prijali svoje tanečné osobnosti.
Luis Martin Castell (ESP) & Vira León (ESP)
Luis stumbled upon the vibrant world of dance quite serendipitously, initially seeking just a random activity. Jazz music wasn’t exactly his forte, but from the moment he set foot into a class, a jam, or a festival, he found himself captivated. The allure of the dance, the infectious rhythm, and the warm embrace of the community quickly had him hooked.
On the flip side, Vira’s journey into the dance scene was a bit different. Already enamored with Jazz as a singer, she had her Lindy hop epiphany during a gig when her vocal trio was hired for a Swing Party. It was in that moment that she knew she had to immerse herself in this dynamic dance form, promptly signing up for classes to master the art.
Now, Luis and Vira are dedicated full-time teachers in their cozy community in Alicante, Spain, despite having only danced for around 7 or 8 years. Their passion has fueled the growth of their school, which now hosts approximately 17 groups of classes each week, covering Jazz, Lindy, and Balboa, all within the confines of a single room. Within this intimate space, they lead around 10 classes themselves.
Their teaching philosophy is all about fostering flow and rhythm while nurturing self-esteem and individual expression. For them, dance is not just about steps; it’s about embracing one’s true self, sharing joy, and finding fulfillment on the dance floor. Through their guidance, they empower others to revel in their own uniqueness and fully embrace the dancer within.